How to Make Google Auto-Delete Your Location And Web History

It is no secret that Google collects information about your activities. When you are using Google services, the company knows a lot about your web, search, and location history. 

No matter what, you should always protect your privacy as much as possible. 

While Google is now offering a feature that will delete all your activity automatically, by default, this feature is disabled. 

As a Google user, you have an option to make Google auto-delete all your search, activity, and location history after 3, 18, or 36 months. 


How to Make Google Auto-Delete Your Location And Web History

To enable this feature, you have to be signed-in to your Google account and turn it on in your Activity control page. Here is how:



STEP 1: Sign in to your Google account and go to the Activity control page.

STEP 2: Under the Web & App Activity, click the Auto-delete option.


Google will automatically delete your history
Credit: Nechstar / Click to zoom


STEP 3: Select the period of time, after you want to delete your data. 

STEP 4: Choose from 3, 18, or 36 months and then click Next and Confirm to continue.


Make Google to auto-delete your history
Credit: Nechstar / Click to zoom


However, this is not all. To be sure, all your data will be automatically deleted, scroll down, and repeat this process for other types of important data you want to erase. This means your YouTube history, and of course, your location history. 

Important: Google, and many other companies, are collecting your data to give you a personalized experience. Deleting your history will make the use of Google services less personalized.


Summing Up

An auto-delete feature is a useful tool that lets you use location and activity tracking services without limitation, and still have your data automatically deleted after a certain period of time.

As a current user, you have to manually enable it in your Activity page, however, new registered Google users have this feature already enabled by default.

Here are a few more facts you should know.

Web and App activity tracking is enabled by default for all accounts. The auto-delete feature for this type of tracking is disabled. Now, you have the option to set the timer to 3, 18, and 36 months.

For location history, you can choose to automatically delete all data after 3, 18, and 36 months, too. This feature is also disabled by default, and to make Google auto-delete those data, you have to manually enable it.

For YouTube, Google will automatically delete the history after 36 months for all new accounts. For all other users, Google comes with the option to delete your data after 3, 18, or 36 months. But you have to enable the feature manually.



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