How to Uninstall AdBlock and AdBlock Plus From Chrome

Ads are created to capture our attention, but they can be annoying and invasive.

They are usually embedded at the bottom of a screen or popping out from the sidebars, making it hard to concentrate on what we are doing.

Moreover, they can be disturbing for kids who are viewing them.

Sometimes you can’t seem to enjoy your favorite websites without being constantly bombarded with targeted ads.

That is one of the reasons, why people are installing ad-blocking software in droves, but they are not realizing how it’s hurting the people who make the content they consume.

Adblock and AdBlock Plus are an extension that can be installed on any browser. They will block all ads on any website you’re visiting, which includes banner ads, as well as videos and popups.

However, in some cases, you might need to turn off AdBlock on certain websites to support their effort, or you might want to completely uninstall AdBlock from your browser at all.

In this article, we will show you how to disable, or uninstall AdBlock from Google Chrome.

Should I Remove AdBlock and AdBlock Plus from my Browser?

In this day and age, most people have been exposed to some form of advertising, whether it’s through search engine results, social media, or online video ads.

This exposure leads them to use ad-blocking software in order to prevent exposure to more unwanted ads.

The AdBlock Plus extension is free and compatible with the most popular websites. However, you should be careful when installing it.

Today many websites ask to disable adblockers to show the visitor content.

This is done by adding code to the page that blocks the user from seeing any content until they disable their ad blocker.

With this, you can make sure your site is always available for anyone who wants to see it, and they will be more likely to turn off their adblocker.

If you want to see how different websites interact with the visitors, or you want to support the great content they provide its users, you can remove AdBlock or AdBlock Plus from your browser.

How to disable AdBlock and AdBlock Plus in Google Chrome

The process of disabling AdBlock and AdBlock Plus in Google Chrome is very easy. Just follow the steps below to do this:

STEP 1: Launch Google Chrome.

STEP 2: Click on the Extensions icon in the menu bar.

STEP 3: Select the Manage Extensions option.

STEP 4: When a new tab appears, find the AdBlock extension in the list.

STEP 5: Toggle off the AdBlock extension.

Uninstall Adblock From Chrome

You can also disable the AdBlock extension only on a certain website, so do this:

STEP 1: Click on the AdBlock icon in the Chrome panel.

STEP 2: Select Pause on this site option.

How to Remove AdBlock or AdBlock Plus in Chrome

When you decided to completely remove the AdBlock and AdBlock Plus from Google Chrome, the process is quite easy and the same for both extensions:

STEP 1: Launch Google Chrome.

STEP 2: Click on the Extensions icon in the menu bar.

STEP 3: Select the Manage Extensions option.

STEP 4: When a new tab appears, find the AdBlock extension in the list.

STEP 5: Click the Remove button.

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